A white Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

and I don't even have to dream about it!

It has been blizzard conditions up here in Wisconsin, which makes for super fun wedding planning...ha.

I was planning on having a beautiful picture of Lake Wissota Golf all covered in snow for you on this post, but as my parent's computer is from the age before SM cards, and their USB ports are so old they aren't compatible with flash drives {for some reason my computer won't connect to the internet, but tomorrow morning my dad may be getting a present to fix all of this, shhhhh!} ...you will have to use your imagination.

Beautiful though, I promise.

We have checked a few things off the list and I cannot wait to tell you all about them...highlights inlude both Mom and Austin seeing and LOVING the venue, picking out tuxes for guys and dads, making pro and con lists of two photographers...and still not deciding, designing our cake {!}, and of, course, my dress! woo!

Happy Holidays to all of you! I hope you are all able to spend time with those you love during this lovely and magical season <3


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