Thank you Macy's

Thursday, December 4, 2008

for finally making our wedding registry visible online.

As some of you noticed it was not visible when we first we sent an email.

and then another.

and then went to talk to someone at Macy's.

and then called the person we were supposed to call from that interaction.

and then followed up with an email that that person recommended we email.

and now? our registry is visible. Yay!

The whole time we were dealing with this, the Macy's reps kept reiterating, "This is so weird, we can totally see that you are in the system and the visibility is on!" yet...we were invisible.

I guess that it is just one of those things that you don't anticipate taking much more energy to take care of than you had planned. Like most things in life, right? :)

Nonetheless...the switch has been flipped and I heart Macy's again...just in time for friends and family discounts.


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